June 2012 Moms

Precious moment....

So here's the background information. I work with individuals with developmental disabilities. I have told all but one of my 20 clients that I'm pregnant. Well the client I have worked with the longest (4yrs) was the only one I didn't tell (because of potiential behaviors). I saw her today. I've been feeling really bloated and the rubber band trip isn't anywhere close to working any more so I'm wearing maternity pants. I had taken off my big fluffy sweatshirt because I got super hot (like always) and we were working on exercises led by me. Well why I was showing her the exercises she was staring at my stomach. She has Autism and she doesn't normally make a whole lot of eye contact so I thought it was interesting. So I asked her what she was looking/staring at. She said "belly, belly" and reached out and rubbed my baby bump. I was astonished! I forget sometimes how perceptive she is but I haven't talked about it in front of her or anything so she just noticed! We have a very special and trusting relationship that started very rough with physically aggressive behaviors and has no progressed into a very calming sessions. So I had to share this with all of you because I thought it was so sweet.

BabyFetus Ticker
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