June 2012 Moms

I think pop might be my saving grace...

I am a big coffee drinker, and with my previous pregnancies I cut my coffee intake back to 1 cup in the morning, sometimes 2 cups in the day if it was a rough day. With this pregnancy coffee just hasn't been appealing at all. I wouldn't say it's an aversion, but I'm just not interested in drinking it, even when I'm dead tired (as I've constantly been). And I'm not a big pop drinker normally. I'll drink it on occasion, but it's pretty rare. 

For the past couple of days I've had 1 can of pop when I'm super tired, and it's an immediate pick-me-up! I feel more awake and energized, and even have an easier time eating without aversions or nausea. It's so weird to me! But I think it might carry me through these last few weeks of the 1st tri. I know it's terrible, but I'll take the unnecessary sugar, etc for the difference it makes to my days! 

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