June 2012 Moms

Baby #2 coming in June, with Baby #1 being only 9 months old

My little girl is 9 months old. I found out 2 weeks ago I'm pregnant again. Not planned, but I feel blessed for having children. I am 6 weeks and 3 days along, baby due June 26, 2012. I'm excited for the adventure again, I'm just so sick this time around. I didn't even know I was prego till I was 8 wks along with my little girl. I found out I was pregnant with a home pregnancy stick at 4 weeks this time. Like I said, I'm 6 weeks and 3 days and I'm so nauseous, headaches, and have ZERO energy to do anything. I had a smooth pregnancy with my little girl, never had sickness, but I was able to rest when I wanted being she was my first. I'm wondering if this time around will be a lot harder on me since I had it so nice the first time :)

I realize  I'm complaining :) And I realize every pregnant woman is going through their own trials in some form or another, just thought I'd vent mine :)

Hope all is well with everyone, I'm anxious and excited for two kids, just a little scared of how to handle two so close together... 

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