June 2012 Moms

Me and my big mouth (vent)

Our first ultrasound appointment is on Monday morning. Rather than come into the office late and raise suspicions with multiple doctor's appointments, I figured I would just take the whole day off. I have vacation days to burn (HR called me and told me I had to use by end of year), not to mention if, God forbid, they find something wrong, I really don't think I could come back in the office and actually work. I cleared it with my boss a few weeks ago to take the day off and have really been looking forward to finally seeing our little nugget on the ultrasound.

This morning, I mentioned something in passing to my team about how I'm "not doing anything - just burning up unused vacation days and taking a 3 day weekend." Well, as luck would have it, a big project suddenly came up and now I'm being strongly encouraged to come in after all. No one would ever say to me that I have to come in, but now it sort of looks like I'm abandoning the team when they need me if I don't. If only I hadn't said that I was just burning up a vacation day, I could have said, "Darn - I wish I could help, but I've already planned XYZ."

Ugh. Stupid me, giving more information than I needed. What do you think I should I do now?

A) Just suck it up and come in, but let them know I'll be a little late because of a doctor appointment, and pray that everything is normal? (not that I haven't been already). No one would outright ask me what my doctor appointment is about, but part of my whole reason for taking the whole day off was to avoid any suspicions with multiple doctor's appointments. Another big problem with this scenario is that if something is wrong, I really don't know what I'll do, because I sure as hell won't be in any position to face the office that day (I'm a crier).


B) Stand firm and take the day off as planned. Say something along the lines of, "sorry, I misspoke earlier when I said I wasn't doing anything - what I meant was I wasn't going anywhere, but I did make some plans that I unfortunately can't change this late in the game." Sounds a little like backpedaling and then I'm still dealing with the issue of taking a day off during a busy time.

Ugh... kudos to anyone who made it this far. I know this was a long post.

BFP #1 10/6/11 | EDD 6/15/12 | no heartbeat 11/7/11 at 8w3d (baby measuring ~7 weeks)
D&C 11/14/11 - Goodbye, little June Bug

BFP #2 8/22/12 | EDD 5/5/13 | Good betas 8/22 & 8/25 | strong heartbeat 9/17/12 @7w1d
Perfect A/S 12/11/12 @ 19w2d - it's a BOY!

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