June 2012 Moms

Second Baby Showers

What's your opinion on having a baby shower with you second (or third, or fourth, etc) pregnancy?

Here's my opinion:  I think it's not appropriate to ask people to shower you with gifts twice... 

I had my DS when I was in high school and I had a large family shower.  Now I'm married and older and my MIL wants to throw me a shower for this LO.  I am NOT comfortable with it because my family has already attended a shower for me -- and if I end up with another 97 baby washcloths, I will throw them all away.  BUT, DH is an only child, so this is her only opportunity to throw one.  DH says I have to let her, so I am, but not inviting many from my family. 

 The gender reveal party discussion got me thinking that would be a way to get DH involved for his family's sake but not be redundant with my family.  Just wondering what other thoughts on this are...

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