June 2012 Moms

Article on combo feeding FF & BF

Someone posted this on my local board.  It is a great article.  There are several moms on my board who did this from the beginning- FF and BF.  Just wanted to throw this out there.  You don't have to exclusivley do either and it doesn't seem like you hear about combo feeding as much.  I ended up doing this myself, when my son was about 6 months old.  When I returned to work after summer (teacher) I had not kept up with pumping.  I got spoiled by being able to BF whenever during the summer and didn't feel like dealing with the pump.  The problem was that when I went back to work my body had pretty much forgotten how to pump and I couldn't get a let down.  I was also really stressed out with how crazy the beginning of the year is and that was making it worse.  The more I stressed, the worse it got.  I was so disappointed as I was not ready to give up BF at all and at the time was struggling with returning to work to begin with.  I kept wishing I could just stay home with my son.  I ended up finding a great compromise.  We gave him formula during the day while I was at work.  I nursed him before I left and then again when I picked him up and in the evening.  It is crazy how your body/supply adjusts and how easy it was.  I even used to nurse him full time on the weekends and had no problem.  It ended up being the perfect solution for us and I was so happy I could still BF.  Anyway, check this article out.  Good stuff.  TGIF everyone!
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