June 2012 Moms

T&P please (NBR)

I got laid off from my job last Friday (the agency closed). I have an interview tomorrow morning for a job I think I would LOVE. I'd be working with elementary school kids after school, creating my own program from the bottom up, based on what my interests and talents are. The kids come to the after school program, and the staff all create their own program, and the kids choose which one they want to sign up for.

I don't know what the pay is, but I'm hoping its enough that if they offered it I'd be able to accept. (This is probably very flame worthy, but I don't want to accept a full time position that would pay me less than if I continued to look for work and collected unemployment. I'm currently looking - and have been - since the end of August, both full time and part time with the thought that I'd work a few p/t positions to make the money I need.) The agency that is phenomenal and they do fantastic work. I had a phone interview 2 weeks ago, and the woman and I seemed to be on the same page and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

Here's hoping that tomorrow's not the day that m/s decides to hit with a vengeance (man, I hope I didn't jinx myself!)

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