June 2012 Moms


The post below about epi vs med free revealed a few planning on VBAC's. Is anyone else?

After a very long labor with DS I ended up with a c-section instead of the med free vaginal birth I really wanted. I'm really hoping to have that experience this time. The only thing is that I have lupus and due to it affecting the placenta I'm not allowed to go past 39 weeks. They also can't use pitocin with a prior c-section (it didn't work on me anyways, so my dr said even if I could use it, it probably wouldn't work again), so if I make it to 39 weeks my only hope for a vbac is for them to break my water and give me 24 hours to go into labor on my own Sad. I really would like to go into labor on my own, but if I don't I hope breaking my water works. I really don't want another c-section. 

photo bdbc37ab-659f-4535-a8f5-66664be1731a_zps374ee4f8.jpg photo 7d0cb52d-ff7e-47d2-9933-babc60eba056_zpsdfc01e83.jpg Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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