June 2012 Moms

Hubby's Pregnancy Rules

So my sweet, sweet man is very concerned about his baby! I am so thankful that he is constantly looking out for me. However, these rules that he is making up in his head are KILLING me!!! His newest rule is I can only have one piece of chocolate a MONTH. I ate a Reese cup the other night and he told me I couldn't have another piece of chocolate until the end of November because of the amount of caffiene in the chocolate (which is very small). He also says that we need to go to the grocery store so that he can stock me up on broccoli, carrots, multilpe fruits and milk. If it were up to him those items and a little protein would be all I would eat. There are more "rules" but I tell him he has lost his mind IF he thinks I am going to abide by some of these absurd rules he is coming up with. I think his hormones are going crazy!

IAmPregnant Ticker
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