June 2012 Moms

Ready to throttle DH last night

So last night DH and I were snuggled up on the couch. I mentioned that I was really happy that this time around I had a lot more energy and didn't feel nearly as nauseous as I did with DD. A little background I have DD from previous relationship and DH has DD from previous relationship. We really weren't a part of each other's life at all at that point so we are pretty clueless about how the pregnancies went with each other's children. So DH proceeds to tell me that compared to DS's mom I'm an invalid. I walked away before I exploded.

So here's my tirade.  Anna did not work, go to school, or have any other children to take care of during her pregnancy as I've been told. I work 40+ hrs per week, I go to school full time, and have 2 children to take care of. In addition to this I run them to and from dance classes with no help from DH and I keep up on laundry, cleaning house and making dinner. So I'm sorry if I don't have as much energy as she did or I feel a bit nauseous from time to time. At least I'm not throwing up in his shoes. Which by the way he deserves after a comment like that. 

We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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