June 2012 Moms

1st u/s this morning! Updated unsure of what is going to happen

I am so excited and nervous and scared!! I am 6 weeks today and really hoping to finally meet our LO today. We leave right after the app to go to NY for my brother's wedding. I really hope this is our take home baby. Don't know if I can handle another miscarriage and a 6 hour drive at the same time!
TTC #1 since March 09 4 rounds of Clomind = BFN IUI #1 1/19/11 = BFP Beta #1 2/3 = 12, Beta #2 2/7 = 24, Beta #3 2/9 = 24 Chemical Preganancy IUI #2 2/28/11 = BFN IUI #3 3/30/11 = BFN IVF #1 ER 5/26, 30 retrived, 19 fertilized and 9 frozen ET 5/31 1st beta - 6/13 BFP 636! 2nd beta - 6/15 1510 3rd beta - 6/17 2700 missed m/c 7/8/11 8w1d d&c 7/11/11 ttcal FET schedule for 10/6/11 Beta #1 10/19 - 628 Beta #2 10/21 1337 Beta # 10/24 2817 missed m/c at 7 weeks. FET #2 2/21 transferred 2 perfect snowbabies. Please let this be it! Beta #1 3/5 - 1,589! image
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