June 2012 Moms

So I'm backk... :)

In case you were noticing me replying to posts, and thought to yourself, "I thought she left a week ago?". Well I thought I did, too.

We went to a follow up ultrasound yesterday to confirm our miscarriage... and there was a little baby, with it's heart beating away!! :) Baby measured 6w1d, HB at 129.

Hopefully I don't have to write another good bye when we go on Tuesday for another follow up to see if our little one is still going strong! :) 

My Chart
Married 4/18/09
BFP #1 4/23/11, EDD 1/4/12::No heartbeat @9 wks::D&C 6/1/11
BFP #2 10/07/11
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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