June 2012 Moms

eff yeah! who doesn't want some dildo-cam action in the a.m.?

This is not a discrete post.  This is your chance to bail.

I had some sex last night.  A couple of hours later, went to the potty and noticed some pinkishness on the tp.  Not even enough to make a spot.  I had read that sometimes spotting can occur in early pregnancy after sex.  So I googled this, and learned that my cervix is in fact a delicate princess at this moment in time, who apparently isn't satisfied to gripe about a headache.  Back off, Princess, I have needs.

ASAP this morning, I made an appointment at the doc's.  The receptionist had me talk to the nurse on the phone.  She had apparently had more than her share of coffee and was on high alert while asking questions.  I hadn't had any other blood and no cramping or anything at all, and was like geez lady, it's a good thing I'm immunized to other peoples' emergency responses.  (+1 for first responders.)

That's not to say I wasn't a basket case last night.  I. FREAKED. OUT.  I mean to the point of feeling light-headed.  (I'm okay with other people's blood. Not good with my own)  Definitely to the point of calling my good mom, the R.N. at 2 a.m.  But after not having anymore symptoms into the morning, I was pretty okay.

So doc did a quick little pelvic exam and said Princess Cervix was closed and there wasn't any tissue or blood around her.  I had my blood taken and was scheduled for an ultrasound in the morning.  Because I've had no more symptoms, and it was such a little one to begin with, I think I'm like .0001% more excited than scared for the U/S.

 Thanks for listening. Peace.

P.S. In case you were wondering, I'm 6 weeks 2 days in...and trying to make a ticker.

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