June 2012 Moms

Stuck at home and wondering

I have been watching Tori and Dean reruns (guilty pleasure for my sick day) where Tori is pregnant with her 2nd baby. She keeps wearing these cute strappy tops, obviously with no bra straps showing. I know she had her boobs done at one time, but I am guessing that even enhanced girlies get bigger with pregnancy. So here is my wonder...how on earth is she holding them up under all those cute outfits?!? I can barely keep a strapless bra where it is supposed to be when I am my normal size. I can't even imagine it at this point, where Leftie Twin has outpaced Rightie Twin by about a cup size, and both of them must weigh 25 lbs put together. (Ok, slight exaggeration there... and please pardon my tmi)
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