Upstate NY Babies

I think this is my third time posting this...Minivan v SUV ?s

Well we're at this point again...and I'm sorry that I keep posting about this.

DH has a little car and now that he is going to be driving Evan to school everyday he is insisting on getting a better car with AWD. IF IF IF we have another baby next year or the following year...we'll need a three rower. So it would be stupid to have to get one car and then trade it in in a year. So I guess we are going to look at 3 rowers. like now.

I finally talked DH into at least looking at a minivan...and the Toyota Sienna is the only one (we think) that has AWD. So we'll be looking at tha one for sure.

We're gonna look at the Ford Explorer, mostly b/c we can get the Xplan discount through his cousin who works at Ford.

What else should we look at - the Acadia is on my list.

Any other minivan vs SUV thoughts?? In the newer minivans, can you walk straight from the front to the back? I see the console thing in the photos but is that collapsible? This would be a HUGE benefit.


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