June 2012 Moms

Anyone dread telling certain people?

For the most part I am so excited I'm bursting at the seams to share our news...but I am truly dreading telling MIL - I wish we could wait as long as possible (i.e. when i'm clearly showing) - but I don't want to wait that long to tell everyone else and she'll obviously find out. I do love her very much but the one issue I've had with her...

She has been obsessed with the thought of grandchildren since I met her 10 years ago. Before DH and I were even engaged she was telling us she didn't care if we were married or not, to just have a baby (we were 21 years old).  She has made baby references almost every time we've been in her presence since we got married. She made a comment not too long ago when we were on vacation to "go make her a baby" and it caused a fight between DH and his family.  We have kindly asked her to STOP IT, enough already - and she has for the most part...it's been nice!!

I know she'll be insanely excited about the baby, and it IS her grandchild, so I feel bad wanting to keep it a secret - - but I feel like her knowing is going to turn into daily phone calls, smothering, giving all kinds of unwarranted advice, talking about when "her" baby gets here, wanting to be a part of everything, you get the idea. And I'm really just enjoying the peace of life right now with only DH and my parents knowing.

I feel like a bad person. Is anyone else dreading the reveal to anyone?

Daisypath Anniversary tickersBaby Slings at Nurtured Family
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