June 2012 Moms

Come on Down to the Tuesday night edition of GTKY!

Alright ladies!

I've been thinking about this a lot lately -- 

-What type of parent do you think YH will be? 

-What personality traits do you want your LO to inherent from you and YH ... and NOT inherent up from you and DH?


I think DH will be the one that ensures that LO has a lot of time with him, even though he works 3rd shift. He told me that when he was growing up, his dad was more of a dictator than someone that would go out and play baseball with him. With DH's medical issues, I don't think that their bonding time will be very physical, but I do think that DH will spend a lot of time with LO. I think he'll be SUPER protective, and I'll have to be the one to remind him that LO is their own person and needs some independence (this will become more apparent as they grow up, especially if LO is a girl and when she starts to date.) DH is going to teach LO the value of saving, something that I have a very difficult time with. I think that as much as DH says that he WON'T do it, he'll spoil LO. (He thinks that my parents and his parents will do this so that he won't.) But I see the way he is with his cat - and if that's any indication, man oh man. But I also think that while he'll spoil LO, he'll make sure that they also have to work for things. (I don't know if that makes sense!)

From DH I hope they inherent:

sense of direction


analytical and logical thinking

math skills

From me I hope they inherent:

carefree nature, but ability to be organized when necessary (DH is more of an organized person all the time ... he's very regimented. Grocery shopping is Monday morning, every week, no matter what. If he's used to a certain thing, and it happens a different way, he gets all flustered.)

rhythm and love of singing

love of reading

love of learning

NOT from DH:


his GAS

medical troubles

NOT from me:


awful sense of direction

guilt complex

medical troubles

EDIT: forgot to put in what I don't want them to inherent!


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