June 2012 Moms

Family legal questions

A while back my mother had said something about suing for grandparent rights with one of my brother's ex's if the ex wouldn't let my brother see the kid.

Now I'm estranged from my blood relatives.  They are not good people and were abusive to me growing up.  My father beat us and sexually abuse me and most likely my sister also (she wouldn't admit it).  My mother was angry with me because I didn't want him at my wedding.  And she constantly would make comments about how much I was hurting him for not trying to keep a relationship with him.  I swore a long time ago that no child of mine was ever going to be in his presence.  He's way old now and has dementia so it's no big deal now, I don't know how far his dementia is, I've not seen or spoken to him in over 5 years.

But my mom I just stopped speaking to almost 4 years ago for lots and lots of reasons.  The climatic point of the story was when my brother was harassing his wife who had called me over to the house because she was scared. He had people driving by the house, he said he had a gun and was going to kill everyone in the house, he came into the yard and was running around on the roof pounding on it.  He was on drugs and it was a scary experience.  When my mother spoke with me about the incident it was all about how my SIL was exaggerating and lying and how horrible and awful SIL was.  When I explained that I was there and it was all my brother and how scared I was of him and that I had been the one to call 911, my mother blew up at me and accused me of not being loyal to the family.  After that I decided I was done with her.

 I had just started dating my husband when this happened, he's never met any of my family, other than the SIL and my niece.  I want to tell my SIL, she's divorced from my brother now and we keep in contact a little through facebook and I'll see them about once a year.  I'm just really worried about my mom finding out.  She doesn't know I'm married and I'm afraid she'll try to go through legal means to try and be involved with the baby.

 She hasn't tried to maintain a relationship with me, but about once a year she'll email me and tell me how much she loves me and misses me and tells me I can stop by whenever I want.  She does get weird about things.  She wasn't all that interested in being a grandma till the first girl of my brothers was not allowing him to see the baby (he has a history of bad behavior), then all the sudden that was HER grandchild and there was no way in hell someone was going to keep her from it.  I'm afraid she'll try something when she finds out I'm pregnant. 

Is there any legal way I can preempt this.  I don't want her around, I don't want the stress or the drama.  I just don't want anything to do with the people who are my family but have never really acted like it. Does she have any legal right to my baby?

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