June 2012 Moms

If it's not one thing it's another.. vent

Well now that we've found out the baby is good has a heartbeat and the doctor rule out ectopic, we get other bad news.

My husband has had an enlarged lymph node on the left pelvic area. Over the course of a month and a half it has grown to the size of a couple golf balls and is visible. He has also had severe night sweats and fatigue. Well I finally convinced him to go to the doctor and it doesn't look good. They believe he might have started the beginning stages of lymphoma. It's hard being pregnant and now adding the stress of my husband possibly having cancer. The doctor seems pretty sure that is what it is and that lymph node is scheduled for removal soon. After it is sent to the lab they will determine what treatment and such. I've lost a son and the thought of it even being the smallest chance of losing my husband makes me crazy. 

We are just praying that things look up and I'm sorry to vent on the board but I feel like it's the only place to share until we find out more details for our family. 


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