June 2012 Moms

Update: OB Appt. & Ultrasound Tomorrow!

Whew! Finally home from my u/s and it all went really well. Both of my little ones are still growing, growing, growing. I saw my regular OB for the first time today and I was so pleased that he took almost 2 hours for my appointment! He was so patient and answered all of our questions. He even gave us an ultrasound DVD, which I can't wait to share with my in-laws who live out of state!!

Baby A is measuring at 8w1d and Baby B is measuring 8w4d. Originally my baby A was measuring 3 days ahead, but now baby B seems to have taken the lead. However, he did say that baby B was closer to the front of my uterus making it easier to measure than baby A, so there could be a little bit of error in the calculations for now.

He wants to see us back for another ultrasound in 2 weeks and he's referring us out to a MFM for our NT scan and more in depth monitoring as the pregnancy progresses (he said they just have more advanced ultrasound equipment, so he'd feel more comfortable with them monitoring me closely after 18 weeks or so).

He seems really positive and really put my mind at ease. He confirmed my due date is 6/7/12 and told me that my goal in life as of today is to keep my babies cooking until 5/10/12 (36 weeks).

Sorry for writing a book.
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