Upstate NY Babies

Do you guys remember me complaining about DH's Xmas party?

Probably not. But, Ugh - every year his 40yo (wannabe 21yo) boss rents a limo bus and everyone needs to drink and bar hop until like 5am?? There's always drama and ugliness. They start at like 2pm for a late lunch / early dinner and it all goes downhill from there. I try to be "the good wife" and not complain but I always do. I just say a 12 hour Xmas party is long enough, nothing good happens after 2am, why don't you just come home then? i wake up 1000 times wondering what the hell is going on and if DH is home yet. I hate that night.

Anyway. THIS YEAR....they are FLYING to NYC for the day - 5:30am flight and midnight return flight. I'm annoyed and probably a bit jealous...but more annoyed.


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