Upstate NY Babies

Questions for Preschool?

Geez. I'm clueless.

We went for a tour this morning and I couldn't really think of any questions about the school itself. I mean, I knew a lot going in and they gave us the typical run down of the schedule and facility tour. But what else should I ask?

(I know we have additional stuff to check out than most of you, like the OT room and speech therapy services - but I'm just looking for more general stuff I guess)

This preschool was cute, clean and had a playground and a gym...they have a great OT/PT room and a few different classrooms. The don't have a cafeteria which is both good/bad. I sort of wanted Evan to work on trying new foods - but I was nervous that it would cause a huge issue and he wouldn't eat anything. So I would pack him a lunch. They work on potty training - which is awesome because I know I will need help with this!

What other things do you ask about with preschools and even daycares?? He'd be going from 9-2.


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