June 2012 Moms

This might make me a bad person...(long)

This is sort of in response to the animal PSA.   Although, I agree that animals are a long term commitment, which is why we still have our dog and will not get rid of her. However, I wish we could.  In my defense, I am not a pet lover, never have been, never will be,  Secondly, this was my husbands dog before we got married and she is very attached to him and only him.  Thirdly, she is destructive.  We have tried dog training and crating-she bent and then broke the metal crate.  Ladies, before you burn me at the steak, these are my every day delimas.

Vacuum...almost everyday.  Especially when they start crawling.  Nothing will gross you out more than finding dog hair in your precious babies mouth.   I never feel like my house is clean enough.

Worry...about dog bites.  I have heard many stories of normally friendly dogs turning on small children.  One 3 year old I know had to have plastic surgery because the damage was so bad. 

Sleep deprevation...sometimes it's our son, other times it's the dog goes balistic because a cat is in our yard...at 3am. ( I know most dogs are better behaved than mine.)

Worry...about parasites.  Your child can contract worms and be harmed by diseases carried by fleas.  (Yes, we get her flea dipped and she takes medication for worms.  You'll still worry.)

My point is, life changes so much when you have a little one.  I work full time, have a one year old and our next is due 6/21, so granted I am pretty overwhelmed. But I know so many women who were pet lovers, then regretted having a pet once their children were born. SO if you are pregnant or ttc...think twice before getting a pet.


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