June 2012 Moms

Needing prayers

I went into ER on Friday due to severe back and abdominal pain. They took a lot of u/s pics. First they thought ectopic, then twisted ovary. They ruled all of that out. Saw a sac and a blip but could not distinguish anything solid. I was only five wks and four days at the time. They gave me pain pills said it was an infection and sent me away. Told me to come back following morning to recheck the pain and make sure it was not appendix issues. Followed up on Saturday and they sent me home again to follow up on Monday. Fast forward to Monday, Halloween. The Army screwed up my scheduling. Sent me to one location and then to another, then back again. (eyes rolling) Sat in the waiting room for three hours waiting to be seen. The whole time I'm still experiencing the same pain because I could not take any pain meds while driving. Finally see a Dr. nail down the problem to being an irritated bladder issue. Which has occurred due to the pressure of the sac and a delivery over seven months ago. I'm now on permanent meds for duration of the pregnancy. (If this is indeed a viable pregnancy.) Dr. said he saw a pole but no heart beat. Did not show me his findings but ordered a blood test. Now I have to go in today for the blood test and wait on pins and needles to see if the hcg levels have increased since they last took my blood on Friday.  My regular OB has shifted me over to this new Dr. who did the u/s, lucky me. (Yes, that is sarcasm you are reading) I've officially been tagged a high risk. Ugh! Not only am I nervous now about this pregnancy but I have to take whatever dork TriCare gives me because I'm on Prime. Ahh?.Sorry, just had to vent. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers today. I don't know if I can handle another miscarriage. With my husband deploying in two weeks this would be such a devastating blow to both of us.  
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