Single Parents

Divorce final on Friday

And I found out about his girlfriend last Thursday. Sigh. My heart was always convinced that he would snap out of this and go back to "normal". My brain has always known (since Ex left) this would go through and I would be doing this alone.

I am wondering, how did you get through this? Being pregnant is hard, my emotions are all over the board. Sometimes the anger holds me, sometimes I am totally depressed. I prefer the anger. My mom is coming up (lives in another state) to hold my hand through it, and then spend the weekend with me.

When did you start to not care about your Ex? That's what I want, more than anything, to just not care. I don't want to wonder anymore what he is doing. I know, both in my heart and in my head that I wouldn't take him back anymore anyway, so why does this suck so much?

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