June 2012 Moms

how do you hide nausea/vomiting at work?

my last pregnancy i wound up taking zofran because i couldn't make it through the day at work in any human way (i threw up in my cubical twice--i have ZERO privacy here and it was among the most mortifying things i've ever done).

this time i'd love to avoid zofran as long as possible...but here at work it's pretty hard to deal with when i'm super far from a bathroom (that isn't private anyway), no one even knows i'm pregnant, and i feel awful.

so far i'm just dealing with eating constantly, peppermint candies, crackers, anything i can...but when i gag and dry heave it's pretty obvious. i'm just lucky this pregnancy so far the gagging has only happened at home. but i'm assuming the next few weeks will just bring more and more like my last pregnancy (i threw up everyday til 18 weeks last time)

how do you deal with lack of privacy at work when you're so sick? any tips appreciated :)

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