June 2012 Moms

Need some advice...

I had my first prenatal appointment this past Thursday.  I had an internal ultrasound and our little munchkin has a really strong heartbeat and is healthy so far, which we are very  happy about!  I didn't get to meet with my C.N.M., but another one in the office, as expecting patients are supposed to meet with each C.N.M. that is in the practice.  I'm a pretty laid back person and I do understand that my personal doctor may not be available during my delivery, so this didn't really bother me.  She was very nice and great at explaining things, however, there are two things that concern me and I don't know exactly what to do. 

1)She told me I needed to get a flu shot.  I've never gotten one, I rarely get sick, and I'm not keen on the idea of shots in general knowing what's in a lot of them.  For nine months, I'm supposed to watch everything that goes into my body and be careful with what I come into contact with and now I'm told I NEED to get a flu shot???  I'm not sure if I should or not.

 2) The next thing I am concerned about is that the doctor's in my office only deliver/see patients at a hospital that is 50 minutes away from my house.  Their office is only about 20 minutes from where I live, and there are hospitals that are 10 minutes from my house, so I never even imagined I would have to be driving about an hour to have my baby.  I know that labor can take awhile, but it can also be very quick.  Plus, if there are any issues along the way and I need to get to a hospital, I can't go to the one closest to me, I have to drive almost an hour and that makes me uncomfortable.  I am seriously considering changing my doctor because of this reason, but I don't know if that is unreasonable reason.  Any advice on this would be great! 

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