June 2012 Moms

My house is disgusting ... and I dislike DH's cat with a passion.

and I really don't want to clean it. MH usually cleans, but really .. his idea of clean and mine are different. Now that I don't have a job to go to, I know that I can clean. But I don't have the energy or desire to right now.

I have to clean out the closet that will be the baby's closet because when I moved in it kind of just became my 'junk' closet that everything I had no idea where to put ... that's where it went. We've discussed putting the crib in there and taking the doors off the closet to save up some space, and DH said, "I don't even know how we're going to get INTO that closet with all your junk in there!" I can't disagree ... he's right.

The cat that DH and I got together ... she's spoiled. And she hates me. Yesterday I went to pet her when she was sitting with DH and she bit me. Not hard, and not enough to leave marks, but I'm envisioning a lot of issues when the baby comes. When DH's parents came from Alaska for our wedding, she hissed and tried to attack them. This happens every time someone comes to the house. I am terrified of whats going to happen when we have visitors after the babys born. I told him, under no uncertain terms, that if she goes after the baby ONCE, she's gone. She loves him to death, and he spoils her all the time. He has a soft spot for cats, so I can't be upset at him for loving her ... I just wish she behaved much better with other people than she does.

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