June 2012 Moms

XP: MH's idea of what morning sickness really is...

My husband was rubbing my back after I puked my guts out and tells me, When ever you have morning sickness I just imagine the baby or babies in there going TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE and wiggling around in your stomach. Now ever time I feel nauseated that's all I can think about and no matter how badly I feel I have to smile, rub my belly and tell the baby to settle down. 
BabyFruit Ticker

Dx PCOS 2010
TTC since Jan 2011
4 cycles of Clomid unmonitored (I do NOT recommend!) March-June 2011
Started w/ RE
July-September: Clomid, hCG trigger, 3 hCG boosters, 1 blood test and 1 BFN
September/October: HSG (all clear) Clomid, hCG Trigger, IUI and 3 hCG boosters
*****10/24/2011 BFP! Beta #1. 113 Beta #2. 322. EDD JUNE 29, 2012
IT'S A BOY! Jackson Alan
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