June 2012 Moms

s/o kids in delivery room

Will you allow any children other than siblings (nieces&nephews, cousins, friends children) to come visit the new baby?


I'll allow my nieces and nephews to come but as for some of my friends children, hell freakin no, and I'll have the nurse screen my visitors.  In fact, there's one kid that I literally cannot stand for the life of me and I don't even want that kid to come visit even after I'm home, but I know it's inevitable considering the friend is more of a friend of DH's and he likes her kid. I swear to all that is Holy if she has a runny nose (which is also inevitable) she won't touch my new baby.

DS#1- 7/2002

DS#2- 6/2004

DS#3- 9/2007

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