Single Parents

LO's 1st birthday

I have temporary orders in place where I have sole conservatorship and it states in our documents that "visitation will be by mutual agreement of (me and DS's father)".

What is the 'general rule' on birthdays and holidays??? DS's 1st birthday is next month and out ot the blue his father texted me earlier today saying he will be coming and I need to inform him of the details.

A. SD hasn't seen DS in over 6 months, has not asked about it, DS doesn't know him basically.
B. I want his birthday to be HAPPY time with no drama, and his father would likely cause something or say something.

I don't want him coming to the party but I don't know the actual laws about it, especially since we don't have finalized orders yet, but do have the temporary ones and I couldn't find anywhere in there where it stated anything about birthdays or holidays. I live in Texas if that matters...

Advice? Help please....

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