June 2012 Moms

kids in the delivery room

Ladies- TIA for playing....I am so sick (MS became all day) and I am stuck on the couch and DH took the kids to grandma's for the day and the tv won't answer my questions but i know my bump friends will....

Kids in the delivery room???  for, against or depends....is their a magic age...does gender matter?

The  reason I ask is because DS (age 9-4th grade) has asked several times if he can be there when this LO is born.  He also asked when I was pregnant with DD (he was age 8).  Personally I would not be uncomfortable and DH said he supports it if I do.  We were thinking if he can sit through a video of an actual delivery without being weird or grossed out then we might allow it. 

DS is not you average 9 yo boy....yes he plays basketball and football and he smells like a 9yo boy but he is very compassionate, interested in fairness, curious and inquisitive and loves science (how the body works, how the world works)...honestly if he was just like his other friends he probably would never ask to be in the delivery room...he is an amazing kid

that being said...is it strange he wants to be there...am i strange for being open to considering it???

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