June 2012 Moms

big ol' birthday vent.

My birthday is tomorrow, and I'm the only one in the family that doesnt get taken out to dinner for it. Literally everyone, including husbands, gets a big dinner out with my family. For some reason this year my parents actually decided to take me out for my birthday. Of course it had to be squeezed in to everyone elses schedules. 

I'm dog sitting this weekend, and thought the lady was coming to pick up her dog at 9pm tonight. I just looked at my calendar, and she is actually picking her up at 6pm. When my dinner is supposed to be at 530. So obviously, theres no way i can be in two places at once. I had to call and cancel my birthday dinner. Due to hormones, I''m incredibly frustrated and i feel like crying. I call my parents and tell them i cant go because of the dog. I tell them it doesnt matter, because we dont ever do anything for my birthday  anyway. We cant find a day to reschedule, so i just say screw it. Thanks but no thanks. I'm now hormonal and feeling bad for myself, because I'm the one who always gets the shaft. 

10 minutes later, my dad calls. He tells me everyones coming over to my house and bringing dinner to us. I love my dad. He always knows just how to make me feel great.

By the way, the family doesnt know  I'm pregnant, so they probably just think I'm being a big old weenie. 

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