Single Parents

For Fun: AW the kiddies in their costumes!

Hi guys!! I lurk a lot but haven't really posted in a long time. Things have finally settled into somewhat of a routine & I can say that i absolutely LOVE being a mom now! (the last time I posted weeks ago, I believe I was saying how completely overwhelmed I was). My LO is simply amazing! She rarely cries (so watch out if she does because that really means you've ticked her off!). She sleeps at least 3 1/2-4hours at a time at night (but for the past few days she's slept 6+hrs at a time!). She's so happy & I love her to pieces. I'm going to be really sad when I go back to work next Monday.

It's unfortunate that her dad hasn't seen her since we left the hospital because she's growing so fast & changing so quickly!!, but he's chosen not to see her until our court stuff is settled. His loss. I try not to think about it too much because it breaks my heart, but it's mainly my fault. anyway, i digress. 

I just wanted to AW Eden in her costume. I know when she gets older, she's going to wonder why I chose a cow...but hey, it was cute & on sale (my two favorite things!) Her dad's birthday is actually Halloween day (& I know it'll be written into our CO that she spends it with him) so i'm not sure if I'll ever get a chance to dress her up again. 

So here's my little Moo Moo!!


What are your LOs being for Halloween?!? Show 'em off, mamas :) 

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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