Upstate NY Babies

I'm an idiot, but I LOVE Wegmans

We grocery shop Saturday mornings at Wegmans and Mike goes to the W-Kids fun center.  I realized JUST now that last week, Mike hung up his coat when we got there, but we never grabbed it on the way out.  To make it even worse, it's the fleece insert to his winter jacket...which means we need to buy a new winter jacket if it's lost.

I called the service desk and she asked what the coat looked like and told me that it's there at the service desk and will be waiting for me when I come in today.  I could totally kiss her!  Thank you Wegmans for cleaning out the coat rack at the end of the shift and not leaving it hanging there for a week.

And, the boys are excited to wear their costumes and trick-or-treat at Wegmans today.  (Well, Mike is excited and Alex is oblivious.  LOL) 

Bianca image.
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