June 2012 Moms


So... I've been given a promotion at work and as part of it had to take part in confidential discussions on how the company should be run and things we could do to save money. Some of the things I was privy to were pretty controversial and would affect some of my friends there. I tried to be as professional as possible with things I could see needed to happen, but also stuck up for my friends no end - in fact one of them could have lost their job had it not been for things I argued over. 

 It's all now come out in the open and my friends hate me and think I went behind all of their backs - they are being really petty and refusing to see things from my point of view and it's getting me really upset and I've cried lots over it. No one knows I'm pregnant and I really don't need this stress! I've written them all an email explaining things from my point of view and also telling them that if they're not going to change their minds to just leave it at that because I have some issues of my own and don't need the upset.

Sorry, just wanted to rant and hopefully get some support from other people who are getting upset over things but can't tell people that they're pregnant! How do you cope when you are so upset, I'm so worried that it might hurt my bean. 

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