June 2012 Moms

Anyone else know next to nothing about pregancy & babies?

Hi ladies,

Quick introduction: I'm 34, married for 9 years and just found out that I (we) are knocked up (due end of June).

We have been DINKs for a long time and live in Center City Philadelphia. Both of us are only children and neither of us has so much has changed a diaper before.

We just decided to TTC and figured it would take a while as I have been on the pill since I was a teenager. Needless to say I got a BFP my first cycle when I was busy researching how to conceive and hadn't got to the being pregnant part yet! Stick out tongue

I'm equal parts delighted and scared crapless.

Sooooo, I am trying to work out how this all works. I went to the dr and had a blood test so it's all confirmed. Right now I'm trying to choose between the convenient hospital in Center City with variable reviews, or the one 25 minutes drive away with a better reputation. Any thoughts?

Also how does a midwife fit into all this? Is a doula the same thing as a midwife? Do you request the services of a midwife when talking to the OBGYN? Yeah - you get the idea about how clueless we are!

The hospital OBGYN appointment is booked for 8 weeks. Any idea what happens at that appointment? Do we hear the heartbeat, or is that for the next appointment? What's all this business about beta?

Any tips for questions I should ask at the first appointment? If I don't like the OBGYN will I be able to change, or is it too late once I've committed?

I know it's super early, but is there stuff I should be doing, or do I have time to work things out as time goes? I don't want to miss something vital!

I am taking a pre natal vitamin - the gummies. I've read they don't have much iron. Do you ladies take an additional iron supplement? The dr just gave me some chewable pre natals and I took one this morning. It was disgusting. So i think I want to stick with the gummies for a while... but don't want to be short on iron.

I also know not to eat sushi and other raw fish and meat, no booze and I don't smoke anyway. I'm planning to continuing my work outs at a lower level (trying to keep heart rate below 150)  and I'm trying to limit my sugar a bit (I am a sugar fiend).

 I'm not sure about drinks - I don't drink coffee, but I do like my tea. I read that herbal teas should be avoided along with caffinated teas. What about mint tea? Chai? I suspect that drinking only water is going to get old pretty fast.

 Anyway, this turned out longer than I had expected. I appreciate any comments and hope to get a pretty steep learning curve going these coming weeks!

Then I'll move on to what to actually do with our baby when it arrives! Wink

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