Single Parents

D-bag Ex on leave of absence... anyone else have this happen to them?

I used to come to the bump for advice while pregnant and thought I'd come back to help get answers to questions about the ins and outs of divorce w/LO's. 

We have a temporary order in place which outlines his time with the kids (infants, Twins, 10 months old) and his child support obligation. It's been six months since our separation and I still have not received one cent from him. My attorney filed for a wage garnishment, and yesterday we find out that he's out on a leave of absence-- so no paycheck, no child support.

Did I mention that he filed for the LOA, 2 days after my atty spoke with his about moving forward with filing the wage assignment. He's claiming getting divorced is super stressful for him and he can't manage working. I have two kids, school, a job and NO FREAKIN SUPPORT FROM HIM!!!!!!!! Im so pissed.

Our custody hearing is next week; but I was wondering if anyone else has had an ex do something like this. I know him, and the LOA is a giant ploy to get out of paying his obligation. He's still a child even though he's 34 yo, instead of thinking about his kids he's focused on getting back at me. This is just one of the many things he's done to make this process long and difficult.

In his financial statement he's claiming he pays rent (he doesnt, he lives with his parents) and a whole host of prior "financial obligations" and that his disability pay won't allow for him to pay CS. My atty thinks he's going to ask for spousal support in order to offset his child support payments. I married a real winner, right?

I swear, I wanted this separation to be as amicable as possible?I would have foregone a monetary CS payment if he had talked to me and agreed to provide for the kids with necessities.

Other then going out on disability, is there another means for him to get out his responsibility? Truthfully, I'd be happy if he was out of the picture, but I know it's important for kids to have both parents in their lives.




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