June 2012 Moms

To the 30+ having their 1st

Holy Moly!!!!  So great to see so many women in the same place as I am!!!  I feel totally welcomed!   Thank you!!

So how many of you are experiancing serious aches and pains...I am 6 weeks and I feel so much pulling and minor cramping at night that I cannot sleep!  When does it stop?  Last night I woke up at 2:30am and had to take some Tyl.  I felt like crap, and just couldn't get comfortable I felt like every way I turned over I was pulling a muscle or something.  I have no morning sickness and feel fine in that department.  I have noticed tons of spider veins by the end of my day in my legs...(they come out when I run more then 5 miles normally...but I haven't ran since we found out.) Not sure if it is something I should call my Dr. about?


Any thoughts or anyone else having the same problems?



Luv Rebecca BabyFruit Ticker
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