June 2012 Moms

had my ultrasound today! & got Zofran.

I am measuring 7w1d and baby had a heart rate of 120 bpm. I thought that was a little low but she assured me it was completely normal. My 14 month old kept on pointing to the u/s screen and saying "DOG!" and woofing at it. It was so funny. 

We have told my parents and sister and get to tell DH's fam next week. I blogged about it today (finally) and hoping no one in real life secretly reads my blog and spills the beans!

I also got my RX for Zofran yesterday and feeling MUCH better. I puked so hard yesterday that I peed at the same time. It was quite unfortunate. It is def giving me a headache though but that is SO much better than the misery I was in.  


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