June 2012 Moms

24hr pee test already - boo

I have chronic blood pressure issues.  Last time I had to go on meds at 16weeks.  Because high BP is a symptom of pre-e they want to get a baseline reading on my stats so that if it goes up again they will be able to determine if it's pre-e related or just high bp.  They sent me home with the stuff and I'm supposed to do it the day before my 12week checkup but I'll be at work so I'm kind of weirded out about it.  BP was reasonable yesterday and she wants to wait before talking about meds again so that's good at least and is not calling this pregnancy high risk (yet)!

Sidenote - DS had to come to the appointment with us yesterday (babysitter canceled the night before) and was being a ham and a half.  He was dancing and "talking" to the nurses and ladies up front.  At least he wasn't throwing a fit!

CafeMom TickersCafeMom Tickers
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