June 2012 Moms

saw my baby move!! and updates :)

so...i got my laptop back today...yay!! now i will be on here more often again.

i've been off work for a week because of this SCH and bleeding episodes, but so far baby seems unaware of any problems and is growing like crazy!! they did a check up this week and i actually got an ultrasound done on my belly (not internal) for the first time and saw baby in 3D!! he/she moved around too!! it was absolutely the most amazing thing i've ever seen. i had no idea they moved this early on. anyone else see theirs move yet?

i'm anxious for my follow up next week, but just threw up my lunch and gonna take that as a good sign :)

happy friday y'all!! 

ttc (on and off) since we were married in 2005
unexplained if
3/2011 injectibles with tic = bfp and twins!! edd december
lost both heartbeats and emergency d&c at 7 weeks
9/2011 letrozole,injectibles,and iui = BFP! edd june 2 - baby girl born at 32 weeks and 1 month in NICU...so happy to be healthy and home! 8/2012 whoa! surprise! baby boy due june 2...again!
"...and guard with tenderness, small things that have no words."
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