June 2012 Moms

Advice - What would you do?

Hi Ladies,

I've been put in an unexpected position and could use some feedback. I'm only 5+ weeks along and had planned on waiting until 12 weeks to tell my boss. My boss and I work very closely with a team of 6 and yesterday, one of the team members announced she is due in early May. Already my boss is talking about planning for her leave and annoucing it to our board (I work for a nonprofit) and talking to me privately about options. I really respect my boss, who strongly values integrity, so I feel torn. This is my first pregnancy so I'm nervous about a mc (which is why I planned to wait until 12 weeks) and my first dr appt isn't until Nov 8. At the same time, I don't want my boss to feel like I misled her (she would never say this, just feel it). As such, I'm leaning towards telling her.

Any thoughts, feedback?

Thank you!

In response to a few comments I have received: despite the date listed above, I have been a member since 2009. When I joined several years ago, I naively used my full name. Now, embarking on this new chapter with the bump community, I desire a bit more privacy and recently changed my screen name which required a new account. BabyFruit Ticker
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