June 2012 Moms

New to the June 2012 Group EDD 06.17.2012

Hello fellow mama's-to-be :)

After a little reluctance...and a lot of waiting, I am joining in the June 2012 group!  I am due June 17th, 2012!

This is my first baby, 2nd pregnancy.  We had a mc on 08/13/2011 at a10w6d, and though we were excited to have seen another positive test so early, I was also on my toes and waiting to know if everything was alright. 

I had my first OB appt last Friday, though it was all labs, a full OB Panel and urinalysis (yay :/).  Yesterday morning I was having painful cramping (no spotting) and thinking the worst, went to the Urgent Care.  They scheduled me for an ultrasound @ 3pm.

On the way to my appointment, I received a call from my OB, saying my labs were normal and my progesterone, which I was most worried about, was normal at 27.  Ah...a small relief.  The ultrasound tech was quite, which made me a little nervous, but then turned the screen to reveal my blueberry and his/her flickery heartbeat <3


I am praying that with this confirmation, everything is smooth from here on out.  I am so excited to be joining you ladies!  Here's to a h&h pregnancy!

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