June 2012 Moms

NBR: DH Friend Drama (Long) Need Advice

I'm not usually one to talk about my family drama but I don't really have a whole lot of people to talk to about this and I am looking for advice.

6 months ago my family and I moved to a new apartment complex where a childhood friend of DH's lived as well. This friend is part of DH's "bad past". As kids they sold and did drugs, stole cars and other valuables, broke into cars, etc. They have always been lifelong friends but grew distant when DH and his mother moved away. After some time DH cleaned himself up and when we met he was a devout Christian man and was wonderful. He was sweet, loving and romantic. Church is very important to me and I want to raise my children in it as well.

Well, after we moved to these apartments everything changed. We never made it to church, DH got really bad into drinking again (it's been his vice for years), he has no patience, is constantly angry and has an awful mouth. He never talks about his faith and if I bring it up he won't say anything about it. On the weekends he is off with his friend the entire time and crawls into bed at 6 AM. When he promises a "family day" with R and I he spends the entire day sleeping recovering from the night before. I've tried to tolerate it as long as possible but it is progressively getting worse. He used to admit he had a drinking problem and now he is back to denying it and he is never home.

They are not off doing the stupid childhood things they used to do. His friend does have a GF and two children and is a hard worker. I just feel he is influencing my H and it's tearing my family apart. Of course, H is his own man and can handle himself and make his own choices. But he was so much different before hanging out with this guy again. At one point DH was gone for a full two weeks working out of state. He hadn't barely even talked to our son or myself. Not even 30 minutes after he arrived back home he left to hang out with his friend all night. It devastated me and he acted like he didn't care.

What do I do? I can't really demand my H stop hanging out with this guy and when I try to sit down and talk to him he basically brushes me off and takes off with his buddy minutes later.

I feel like the only option would be to move away but we can't afford it right now and we signed a long lease. We're stuck here.

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