June 2012 Moms

Told the family!

We had our first OB visit today, complete with first u/s. While I'm a little bummed that she moved my EDD back 9 whole days, we did get to see and hear the heartbeat, so I'll take it!

We only plan to tell our immediate families for quite some time, but I wanted to share our stories.

First up was my mom. We've been trying to use up a plane ticket credit for DH, but couldn't find flights that matched using his credit and my frequent flyer miles. The credit expired last week, so I told my mom (who paid for the original ticket) that we had to give up because it wasn't working out. But then I said it winds up being a good thing because we've got another trip that we are planning for next year. Then I asked if she and my stepdad would like to join us on our trip to the hospital to have a baby! She was very excited and started asking a million questions - how do I feel, do we have names picked out, etc.

For my dad, I called him to chat like we always do. Since DH started a new job at the beginning of the year, he's often asking how the job is going. He did tonight, and I said great, and that we found out that some time in June, DH was getting a new job title with additional responsibilities. Then I told him that DH's new job title was going to be "dad." He went silent and then my stepmom came on the phone and I knew it was because my dad was crying. Finally, he was able to regain enough composure to talk a little bit, and nearly made me cry when he told me how happy he was and how proud of me he was.

As for my sister, she's the only one who remembers that I always said I wanted to be married 5 years before having kids. Since our 4th anniversary was last week, I steered the conversation in that direction and then said that technically we were in our 5th year. Then I asked her what she would say if I told her we weren't going to make it to our 5th anniversary. She too started crying.

I wish we could have told them in person, but it looks like we won't be home until Christmas. I'm hoping to make it that long and then tell our extended family all at once. We will see how much willpower I can have after our next appointment, right after Thanksgiving.


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