Upstate NY Babies

Intro! Better late than never? :)

Hi Ladies!

Taking a page from Chapter79's book (hehe horrible humor). Never occured to me to do an intro, so I apologize!

My husband and I have been dating 11 years this November (woot! woot!) and have been married since Aug 2010.

We currently own a home in Kenton but just closed on our forever home which will be in Amherst.
We are expecting our first baby in April. Lots going on, craziness!

My family is in NYC and his is here (altho ILs are currently down South) so there's no close family nearby. There also aren't any young kids in the family any more because he's the youngest in his family. So I'm really looking forward to meeting other moms with kids in the WNY area.

Being a first time mom, I need lots of advice! Altho I have been around babies all my life but it's not the same when the baby is with you 24/7!

Hope to be here more frequently! :)


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