June 2012 Moms

1st appointment and Doctor said I am HR for c-section!

Yesterday was my first appointment just the basics, pap smear and blood work nothing fancy. Except, he had a tough time getting the speculum in and when he did my manual internal exam he could barely fit his fingers in there. Well, he said..looks to me like your at an increased risk for a c-section because of how tight my muscles are and something about the placement of my uterus. The metaphor  he used was that my door opens into a wall not a hallway..what ever that meant.

Well, First off I had my son vaginally. Yes, he was premature but I had no problems. Second, I know that in the end of pregnancy hormones do a number on your joints and muscles to loosen them up. Third, this is exactly why I have a Douala..

In the end he said, either the baby will or won't fit....(well...DUH!) and that I was probably lucky to have delivered my son vaginally and due to his small size (2lbs 10oz's)..The thing is I really like this doctor but sometimes MEN say the dumbest things LOL. I just think it is a tad bit early to be making bets on Csection vs vaginal deliver and he better be glad that I am SUPER laid back and did not freak about it.

BTW, my Douala laughed and said..yeah...thats what they say until that baby comes flying out with the mother birthing standing up or squatting...I LOVE HER 

Born 27wks 3 day 2 lbs 10 oz 15 inches image My BFP chart BabyName Ticker
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