June 2012 Moms

Financially ready?

I have been BEYOND stressed the past couple of months. DH started a franchise last December and has been the Operator of the business and had a business partner who was strictly for financial help, that is it. Once he is re-paid, and then some, the business would be ours. 

The relationship between DH and the business partner has gone downhill. BP and his wife have realized what a good investment this is, and started showing up to work the business and They offered to buy us out, but for an amount that couldn't even buy us a used car.

We have now gotten lawyers involved because BP is trying to force us out. Because this has gotten hairy, BP contacted his lawyer, and placed a restraining order on DH against the business. Needless to say, he hasn't been able to set foot into his 3 year in the making business for 2 1/2 months now. The lawyers say the only way this can be resolved is if one of us buys the other out.

Right now it's at a stand still until we can come up with the lending we need to buy him out. Though DH hasn't been working, he still would get paid as long as the business is making money. Unfortunately, the lawyers suggested putting a freeze on the bank account, and no one is getting paid, just bills and employees. 

I'm sure this isn't hurting the BP at all because he has told us he has plenty of investments all over the city.  He even had the nerve to tell us when suggesting we sell to him "I am 40, I have 7 kids, and I don't have much time left to make the most of my money. You are 30, and have your whole life ahead of you" 

Ugh, for now, I am the primary income, and I am very thankful for my job, but I just want to cry if this doesn't get situated. At this point, I feel like we are SO not financially ready for LO.


Sorry for the long post... I hate talking about it, and I avoid talking about it with family, but I wanted to get it off my chest. 

Crash Bandit
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