June 2012 Moms

Update from yesterday re: Progesterone Drop

My doctor called me this AM and said that as long as the HCG hormone was doubling that she's not worried about the progesterone drop just yet.  She said she'll keep checking my #s every other day or so to make sure they're going up still which will help me feel a little better about it.  From what I've read the progesterone supplements should help an otherwise healthy pregnancy so my fingers are just crossed that the numbers keep doubling and it's healthy.  I started the progesterone supplements yesterday and woke up feeling like someone beat my boobs with a baseball bat and didn't get much sleep so it's hard to tell if I'm just being over-emotional and sleep deprived about this whole thing.  Doc said that normally she doesn't do the ultrasound until 7 weeks when you can for sure see a heart beat but if I'd feel better about keeping my 6 week appointment to just take a look at everything and come back again at 7 weeks that she's totally ok with that so I'm going to keep my ultrasound appointment with her next Friday.  I'm going to try to relax this weekend, get a mani/pedi or something and not stress too much about this. Easier said than done, right?
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